Anemia (Cause Unknown)

Full Recovery in 2 Months

Hello Lloyd, Better late than never: I want to let you know that I received my order for 4 bottles a little short of 3 weeks later, in mint condition. Thank you very much. And here is something more:   I have some excellent news:   My blood was re-tested on Sept. 1st and my hemoglobin is now back in the "normal" category at 12.8. (I feel it will probably still get better.) When I first discovered the anemia at the end of May it had been 9.5 - in the "severely anemic" category. I found you and the magic Carao at the end of June. What an amazing result after a little more than 2 months!!! I am certain that the Carao has played a major role in this recovery. I feel much, much better now.  Getting better has been happening in spurts; not all at once, and not overnight; yet so quickly.

I am very happy! Thank you very much for making this product available; for making it easy to find you on the internet; for your wonderful customer service; for your instant response and action every time; for being so professional and for caring in such a beautiful way! I feel to keep taking the Carao for quite a while. There is nothing against this, or?

By the way, I am mostly taking it "straight" these days! That's right, me, the lady, who had trouble tolerating it in the beginning and needed to start very s l o w l y. I still like to put it in my rice milk at times too, for the tasty drink that it is; but mostly I take it straight now and I find it most delicious. Even the smell no longer disturbs me at all. I have come a long way. I must be an old Costa Rican!

I hope your harvests will continue to be good!   Thank you Lloyd and Miles, thank you Carao trees, thank you Costa Rica, thank you Universe!    In gratitude Maria   P.S. If you would like to put this on your site with your testimonials your are most welcome. Just put my first name and the first letter of my last name: Maria S., Palm Springs